Again i know that this blog has been rather inactive recently...No mood to blog...dunno why...Anyway for the past few weeks has been hectic...Going here, going there, doing this, doing that...So that will also add into "the reason for not updating my blog". But here i am :)
Well, where should i start...hmmm....ok i shall start with my Visa interview which i already forgotten when was it...It was, erm....not like an interview...well, most of it was just asking questions and all, so it isn't anything someone should be affraid off...i mean you just answer what ever they asked you, accept just dun go to them and say "i;m terrorist" which then i know you will get cause security in the US embassy is very very tight...Hmmm, i wonder how could thaat guy threw a shoe...OK basically just a few questions and you pass...Maybe we (afs students) were already comfirmed so thats why we gone through it easily...
Next Christmas, as usual for every single Christmas from the day i was born, i celebrated Christmas with my grandmum in Kemaman...A small town famous for its Hai Peng coffee....My whole family (mothers side) will be there to celebrate together...4 days in Kemaman can be really really boring when it rains...Nothing to do...No internet access...But as plus point being there is get to chat around with your relatives whom you only see once or twice every year...
We had karaoke as well, which wasn't really a "attraction" for me...I hate to sing and especially for Karaoke...But now days i've seen improvement in the karaoke 'industry'...I mean now they even have scores after every song you sing...(Maybe that old>not a karaoke guy) But i dun know whether the scores can be trusted...Well again Christmas is all about eating and, chatting and eating and....eating...Well a Merry Christmas then...
Came back on the 26th...Need to get loads of things done..I need to find materials to promote Malaysia and also Terengganu for my exchange student program. So me and Andy (you really are the man!) went around Terengganu and capture scenes and photos...It seems like we were the tourist...And we even went to places where we didn't even step foot on...Hmmm...good thing to discover your own state...Anyway the video is now under editing...Will try to upload it once its done...
New year was pretty boring, it didn't even felt like a new year...hmmm...sadness...Maybe its just that i'm living in a town called Kuala Terengganu...Erm, wait, correction, a CITY called Kuala Terengganu...But nvm, at least the time spent with friends were worth it...
Till this day, my feelings are mix...Maybe thaat why my mind is now so blur...For the first time, i felt so blur...i didn't know what to do, i was not organized...Hmmm...wonder why...mix feeling? Feeling excited to leave this country for 6 months and into a country where i've never been before...and also feeling sad, cause at this point in your life, you will be seperated from my family and friends...Some friends might not see me again...And my doggies...6 months without them will definately affect me...But the bird got to leave it nest....
Anyway I had also held a high tea, for my farewell...really nice to meet up with friends again and just chit chatting with them, laughing...But sometimes you just can't believe that one day, you just might not see them again...So, guys, those who are in school...I tell you now, do cherish every single moment with your friends, even though how irritating they are, or how bad they are...you must realize that, one day most of you will go to seperate ways...So dun fight but have peace LOL...
My new Dell Studio...
Next > New Year Resolution...