Th3 GiL@ CuBe

By JiM91
well during the trip to KL, my bro braught a Rubix cube, some might called it rubik cube...well its the same thing...Some may see it as a normal toy where it waste your time completely...well i have to say this cube does drive you crazy...its really amazing how one cube can involve so much calculations in it...darn its hard to solve it...the highest achievement on the cube was having only 1 side with the same colour...If anyone have solved it before please let me know....

What amaze me more is that, there is even a rubix cube competition...there people who solve the cube within a minute...if u think that great, some even solve them blind folded...and some solve them with one hand...others solve them with their feet...pfft...take that as being creative hahaha...

Overall, i just curious that, why is the inventor of that cube has so much time to just create a thing so complex as that....why can't he jst sit down and enjoy life...hmmm....people just have the ability to create stuff....

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