Bad Hair Day

By JiM91
This time, its hair just gets worse hahahaha.....really is a bad hari day...honestly, the looks of me when i shaved was better than this....problem is, its still short for me to cut it...but its also not long and not short which makes it... :( Steven!!!!!!!!! You gone through this few times....when can go cut? lolz....


2 comments so far.

  1. Unknown September 3, 2008 at 8:55 AM
    nak kata panjang tapi tak panjang; nak kata pendek tapi tak lah pendek sangat..

    very ugly rite like that? LOL!!

    aiyah..just let it be lah.. let it grow let it grow. it's not like you're wanting it to be so attractive so that you can like get a girl or two for a date.

    Come on. It's just HAIR. hahaha. Btw, mine's kinda same like yours now. you saw my hair last year rite? Tebal, panjang and a bit like Click Five. hahaha. but then when SPM was around the corner, I didn't really care much about my hair. Not to say after returning from the National Service, when I totally gave up to entertain hairdos. Like, seriously. lol.

    Don't worry. Your hairdo doesn't reflect who you are. =)

    THAT is one of the reasons why NS trainees diwajibkan botak. Self-confidence ;)
  2. JiM91 September 4, 2008 at 7:23 AM
    wow...thats good and longgg...comment...not which i expect :) thanks a lot :)

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