New Year Resolution...

By JiM91
Now its a brand new year and a whole new enviroment for me....Never have i thought that i would be in a situation where the word 'SMK' never comes into my head, its already 5th of Jan and all of my juniors are at school...and what am i foing here? LOL
But anyway end of school also means a start of something new...maybe worse than school...
So without any bla bla and crapping here i begin my new year resolution...

1. First and most very very very important...GET ON A DIET!!! This time better be serious...being saying it for almost a year now but still not losing weight...

2. Enjoy myself in the US wohooooo.....

3. Hmmmm...try new after my knee injury, no more badminton liao...sadness...

......wait ah...i check last years new year resolution, see whether got anything i can repeat...

4. Improve my guitar..this one also from last time liao...but improve a little bit through out last year...but must do better! Hope i can play it while i'm at the states...

5. Hmmmm...didn't know new year resolution can be this hard for me....Anyway, i want to get in a good college when i return from the states...

6. This one is not a resolution but a reminder...Must get souvenirs for my friends who asked me...or not...habis la me...

7. Most importantly walk straight with God and also enjoy myself :)

Yup...just 7 short new year resolution...need to concentrate more on no.1 of coarse....DETERMINATION!!!!!!!!

1 comment so far.

  1. Unknown January 7, 2009 at 2:13 AM
    i second resolution number 6. hehehe

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