Greetings from Washington...

By JiM91
Hey guys,
Well, i can't really believe myself here in the United States of America, well, i'm currently in the capital of US, Washington DC...will be having a three days orientation here, its been a tiring and also exciting journey from Malaysia to here...i had a connection flight from frankfurt to US and it was around -9 degrees in Frankfurt...Amazingly cold and it was snowing...Sometimes you just can't believe it that you are actually here...some, 20000 kilometers away from home...I really hope everyone is ok right now back there...can't really upload any pics cause i did not bring my lap very little chance to go online...but i think that will change after i arrive in Oregon...Well, not much time right now...will try to update you guys more often...I will be going for a tour around DC will certainly post some pics later on...Well, thats all for now...
Really miss you guys...

1 comment so far.

  1. nora muhammad February 9, 2009 at 6:39 AM
    glad that u're in US now...enjoy yourself

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